Ripped paper effect for footer section


Rebrand — Website Redesign & Development — SEO Strategy

Rebrand. Redefine. Grow.

Shortly after joining Graphite, I was asked to take charge and lead the Webflow project for Signos Inc. It was their most significant Webflow project at the time.

Signos specializes in combining a CGM with an AI-driven app for real-time glucose monitoring, aiming at optimal health and weight management. Our task involved migrating over 100 blog posts to the new Webflow site and a complete redesign and post-development of their entire site, comprising over 40 pages, both static and dynamic.

Our focus was not only on the visual aspects, but also we aimed to enhance user experience and functionality. This included refining their SEO strategy and addressing technical SEO aspects on the site itself. We found practical solutions for a smooth transition.

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Re-brand / BLOG /
Programmatic SEO
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A solid strategy, the core of every project.

On every project, the core lies on a solid strategy. Throughout the first meetings with the Moichor head of marketing, we went from ideas, to strategy, to develop a clear plan and goals. We decided to applied them into a new navigation structure and information architecture.

Typography & Colour Spectrum

Moichor typography and brand colours image.

Programmatic SEO, The key.

Programmatic SEO was crucial to driving significant organic growth. By implementing two targeted SEO initiatives, we enhanced their online visibility and increased organic traffic substantially.

Key Points:

1. Strategic Execution
Focused on high-impact keywords and content clusters.
Automated and scaled the production of optimized content.

2. Content Optimization
Leveraged programmatic methods for high-quality, scalable content creation.
Ensured consistent and expansive online presence.

3. Impressive Results
Significant increases in organic search traffic.
Improved search engine rankings for targeted keywords.

4. Sustainable Impact
Established a foundation for ongoing organic growth.
Client satisfaction reflected in contract renewal.

The accompanying visual illustrates the detailed execution and success of our programmatic SEO projects, highlighting our strategic planning, content generation, and performance optimization efforts.


Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices and SEO.

Leaving the site in perfect conditions, in order for it to be 100% ready to engage and achieve a high ranking in search engines, is always a must. For this, we have to ensure that the performance and loading speed of the site are the best. In addition, the use of best practices in terms of code structure and accessibility allows for a smooth and fully inclusive user experience.

We can measure all this, with a very useful tool created by Google, called, “Lighthouse”.

Lighthouse statics for
89 Performance
98 Accessibility
92 Best Practices
100 SEO

My Role as the Webflow Lead.

I based the project's success on three main pillars:

1. Growth & Goals: I developed a website tracker to prioritize web pages in collaboration with the client, ensuring alignment with both client priorities and our SEO and CRO recommendations for maximum organic growth. Additionally, I conducted A/B tests on key pages to validate our strategies and optimize performance, ensuring data-driven decision-making throughout the project.

2. Conversion Rate Optimization: I worked closely with our CRO team to review new designs and enhance conversion rates. Our efforts were concentrated on top priorities to ensure a successful launch within the first two months. Throughout the year, we continually iterated and improved conversion rates, using insights from ongoing A/B tests and performance data to make informed adjustments.

3. Client Alignment: Maintaining continuous communication with the client was crucial. I collaborated with their Head of Growth and Product Design Lead to ensure we were always aligned and working towards the same goals. This ongoing collaboration allowed us to achieve project objectives through consistent feedback and adjustments, ensuring the project stayed on track and met the client's needs.

Results & Contract Renewal.

The results exceeded expectations, and analytics showed a substantial improvement in organic traffic, leading to the renewal of the contract a year later.

Growth Metrics: Substantial growth in organic traffic and user engagement metrics.
Client Feedback: Positive client feedback and recognition of the project's impact on their business.
Contract Renewal: Signos renewed their contract a year after the relaunch, indicating their satisfaction with the results and our ongoing partnership.

Decorative image of left quotes for the client's review.

I recruited, hired, and managed Francisco during my time at Graphite. He's an Enterprise-certified Webflow developer with solid design skills that can take projects end-to-end, including ideation, design, or development.

Francisco excels with complex projects. I put him on several new project types, including building interactive maps and scalable programmatic SEO pages, and he was able to independently decipher the complexity and quickly build a prototype. He can also handle full site rebuilds, including our successful project with Signos.

While his technical knowledge is what might separate him from others on paper, I feel that it's his soft skills that put him in the highest tier. He's great with client communication, even when it's in his non-native language. He's passionate and collaborative, and he does a wonderful job catering his communication to non-technical crowds.

Travis Bernard, VP of Conversion at Graphite


Signos Inc.
Client CEO
Sharam Fouladgar-Mercer
Client Creatives
Tiffani Davidson (Head of growth)
Serina Stow (marketing Manager)
Elizabeth Peterson (Product design lead)
Mikhail Pozin (Product & Growth)
Benji Michalek (VP of design)
Production Company
Agency partner
Director of Growth
Travis Bernard
Growth Lead
Kelly Hart
Webflow Lead & Designer
Francisco M.
CRO Leads
Juan Sucre
Laura González
Webflow Devs
Sergio Ciarrocchi
Mustafa (
Webflow, FIgma,
Airtable, Whalesync